GOD’S WORD of Encouragement: A Special Armed Forces Edition (Case of 100 Copies)
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God’s word overflows with his promises of love, forgiveness, salvation, peace, hope, and joy for everyone who trusts in his Son, Jesus.
The passages in this evangelism booklet describe God’s present and eternal blessings. They’re encouraging words, a reminder of the tremendous assurance which you and other believers have through faith.
This Special Armed Forces Edition features:
Six pages of special prayers with an exceptional introduction on the importance of prayer.
- A Morning Prayer
- An Evening Prayer
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Prayer before Deployment
- Prayer for Family and Loved Ones
- Prayer before Battle
- Prayer after Battle
- Prayer of a Medic
- A Special Prayer for Those Who Serve in Our Armed Forces
Four pages of Scriptural truths.
- God’s Love—God’s Faithfulness
- God’s Forgiveness
- God’s Salvation
- Real Peace—Now and Forever!
- Real Hope—Real Confidence! Real Joy!
Four pages of encouragement for difficult circumstances.
- Encouragement When Anxious or Impatient
- Encouragement When Discouraged, Challenged, or Fearful
- Encouragement When Suffering
Dimensions: 4.125" x 6"