Become a Seed Planter

Partner with God’s Word

Back to the Basics—Become a Seed Planter and Change Lives™

God’s mission in the space/time continuum of eternity is detailed in Luke 19:10—“the Son of Man has come to seek and to save people who are lost.”

If somehow we were to ignore or to miss this specific verse, the apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 2:4 that God “wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth.”

As Paul reveals in the next two verses of this same letter, the truth that God wants everyone to learn—the truth that God knows will change everyone’s future—is this: “There is one God. There is one mediator between God and humans—a human, Christ Jesus. He sacrificed himself for all people to free them from their sins.”

So, if this is such an important mission, why aren’t the people of God today turning the world upside down, like Christians did during the first three centuries following that first Pentecost?

What’s the Challenge?

The challenge is that we need to get back to the basics, so that the Spirit can use us to fix what’s spiritually broken in the lives of friends, co-workers, neighbors, and classmates—so that each of them have a future that ends in eternal life, not eternal death!

Of course, the first basic we need to fully grasp is that: God’s mission is “to seek and to save people who are lost” (Luke 19:10).

Until more of God’s people grasp this Scriptural priority, God’s church will not be focused on the eternal life and death issues reflected in God’s mission. In other words, we will not be focused on the real goal of God’s mission.

Why Plant Good Seed Everywhere?

In Luke 8:4-11 (the familiar “Parable of the Sower”), we’re given what our mission society believes to be the dominant biblical strategy to accomplish God’s mission: Become a Seed Planter and Change Lives. Let’s quickly evaluate this account:

First, where is the farmer planting the seed? Everywhere—on the road, on rocky soil, among thorns, and on good ground.

Second, does seed cost money? Of course! Just stop for a moment and reflect upon the impact of this parable on the large crowd (mostly farmers) that were listening to Jesus on this occasion. What kind of farmer would use seed for which he paid a lot of money and plant it everywhere?

As a side note, why doesn’t a farmer plant cheap seed? Because he wouldn’t get a good harvest.

Ahhh… but, God does know what he’s doing! The seed (i.e., God’s word, per Luke 8:11) cost him the ultimate price—the life, the blood, of his own Son. Also, why does God want his word planted everywhere? Because “he wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).

How Do You Become a Seed Planter?

Actually, it’s as easy as 1… 2… 3…

1) Pray. Pray for people who are lost—individuals who do not know Jesus as their Savior. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you Become a Seed Planter and Change Lives.

2) Get the right seed. Purchase cases of GOD’S WORD outreach booklets.

3) Plant the seed. Look for opportunities to plant God’s word in the course of your daily activities (i.e. wherever you go).

Our mission society, like the apostle Paul (Romans 15:20), believes that we need to take God’s life-changing word to the people in our increasingly multicultural communities, our nation, and our world that do not know Jesus as their Savior!

What’s the Awesome Power of the Seed?

1) If God’s word is like seed that he wants planted everywhere (and it is, as we discussed in Luke 8:4-11), and…

2) If that seed has the divine power to sprout and grow all by itself (and it does, per Mark 4:26-27) because God alone is the one who makes it grow (per 1 Corinthians 3:6-8), and…

3) If the life-changing message communicated in and through that seed is so powerful (and it is, per Romans 1:16 and 1 Corinthians 2:4-5), and it “accomplishes whatever God wants and achieves whatever he sends it to do” (and it does, according to Isaiah 55:10-11), then…

4) Each person—whether young or old, educated or less educated, trained or untrained in the latest evangelism techniques—only has to Become a Seed Planter because the Holy Spirit will work in and through the seed (i.e., God’s word) that you plant to change lives so that a lot more people have futures that end in eternal life!

To learn more about how you may Become a Seed Planter and Change Lives, use the contact form, email us at, or call our Society at (904) 614-1287.