God’s Word for Today: August 6

Lamentations 1–5
Choosing to disobey God brings consequences. Jeremiah grieved as he surveyed the destroyed city of Jerusalem. The people had refused to listen to God’s message and give up their sin. But notice that Jeremiah still found hope (3:21–66).
“The reason I can still find hope is that I keep this one thing in mind:
the LORD’s mercy.”
Lamentations 3:21-22
When faced with despair, what should you dwell on? Knowing that no circumstance is outside God’s control is of great comfort. God holds us in his hands, no matter how challenging the crisis.
Today, ask God to give you hope when you face a difficult situation. Encourage a friend who is going through a troublesome time.
Read today’s passage online at Bible Gateway.
To enhance your understanding, watch this excellent video from the Bible Project—where visual storytelling meets the Bible:
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