God’s Word for Today: October 27

God’s Word for Today: October 27

Romans 1:1 to Romans 3:20

Paul told the Romans that everyone had sinned and that people cannot reach God by their own goodness, or even by trying to keep God’s law. Nothing people can do on their own will gain God’s approval.

Does God play favorites when he decides who will have everlasting life with him in heaven? No, at the end of time there will be people from all races, nations, and times of history in heaven. There will be young and old, male and female. The thing they will have in common is they have believed the truth that Jesus is God’s Son and have loved and obeyed him.

Today, list any of your words, thoughts, and activities of the past twenty-four hours that have dishonored God. Ask him to help you turn your back on sinful habits and to live without committing the same sins.

Read today’s passage online at Bible Gateway.



To enhance your reading and understanding, watch this excellent video from the Bible Project—where visual storytelling meets the Bible:

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