Authentic Prayer: Waiting

Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God,
because I pray only to you.
In the morning, O Lord, hear my voice.
In the morning I lay my needs in front of you,
and I wait.
Psalm 5:2-3
Prayer cries out for attention.
You speak to God hoping he listens. You invite him to dig through your mind to find your innermost thoughts. You long for him to hear your pleas for help. After all, he’s the only one you pray to, putting requests in front of him each morning and every moment. Then you wait.
“Waiting for God” can mean pausing to let God speak. Or watching for his answer to prayer. Or going about your life expecting his intervention, salvation, even his arrival on earth. Whatever kind of waiting you do, it causes an agonizing gap between your speaking and the Lord’s response. It aggravates your expectations of instant satisfaction. It tests whether you will keep waiting for God or go looking for another way to get what you want. That impatience often leads to sin.
The Lord is always attentive to your requests. When you quit demanding quick answers and instead worship your always-faithful God, you gain patience to wait. You rest calmly until he responds in his right way and right time.
Inspired by Psalm 5:1-3
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