Remembering Dr. Eugene Bunkowske, Translation Consultant
"Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD.
The LORD will be his confidence." Jeremiah 17:7

Since November 2017 Dr. Bunkowske had back pain and challenges remaining stable when he walked. After taking him to his doctor... an MRI was done that indicated that he had small tumors along his spine and in his brain.
The hospital administered radiation therapy in an attempt to reduce the size of the tumors and the pain that Dr. Bunkowske was suffering.
Dr. Bunkowske's most recent MRI (a month or more ago) indicated that all the tumors had grown and spread to virtually every organ in his body (lungs, liver, brain, spine and others).
They determined that there was no further treatment they could offer because of the extent of the spread of the cancer. Mrs. Bunkowske has had the blessing of the presence of their daughter, Barbara (a nurse) much of this time, the "home aid" that Hospice provides, and the assistance of Barbara's husband (a doctor).
Mrs. Bunkowske shared that her husband has been admitted to "home hospice" and they received a hospital bed a week or so ago. Dr. Bunkowske was receiving "comfort meds" (opiods) to reduce the pain and keep him comfortable until he makes this last journey. No fluids (or IV) and no food.
Yesterday, as Bernice was talking on the phone with me, she indicated that Dr. Bunkowske opened his eyes and she told him that Mike was on the phone and wanted to say a prayer for him... she placed the cell phone to his ear and I prayed (knowing that "hearing" is the last "sense" to cease functioning). After concluding my prayer, Bernice indicated that he closed his eyes again. His journey to heaven should occur soon.
Having known the Bunkowske's since 1982 (when they came to the Seminary after leaving his translation work in Africa with the United Bible Society (UBS)... at the same time as my family and I entered the Seminary after resigning from IBM and leaving Rochester, MI)... I count that a very special blessing. Their faith in Jesus and his promises are strong... Dr. Bunkowske is ready to receive his room in God's eternal mansion... and Bernice has the faith to let him go, knowing that our great God and Savior will take care of her!
So our Mission Society has lost (and heaven has gained) the Rev. Dr. David Moke (one of our outstanding translators), and BOARD OF DIRECTOR members Dick Luecke, Rev. Mark Bartling (a former President), Rev. Dr. Waldo Werning, Stan Schaetzle, and James Gaugert, Jr. (a former President) in recent years... and soon Dr. Bunkowske (our Society's current President who is 82). The Society was blessed by their service... but "heaven" is now their home. THANKS BE TO GOD!
We are thankful for his deliverance. He completed his tasks and is now able to rest and be in full worship of our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, who died and rose again so that we might all live.
Please keep Mrs. Bunkowske and her family in your prayers.