GOD’S WORD Translation for Deaf Ministries

GOD’S WORD Translation for Deaf Ministries

Rev. Roger K. Altenberger​
Former Executive Director
LCMS Ministry to the Deaf
St. Louis, MO

“I would like to inform you of the great value that the GOD’S WORD translation has been to me. It has become the primary tool for translating Biblical stories and lessons into the American Sign Language. This language is a conceptual language, and many of the difficult theological terms such as “justified,’ ‘sanctification,’ ‘righteousness’ do not have any ASL equivalent signs. It is vitally important that we communicate complete understanding to the Deaf we serve. The GOD’S WORD translation makes this task relatively simple because you have already defined these things for the reader. It is quite easy to interpret directly from the text itself. This too allows for a smooth transition from one language to another.... I thank you for all the work you have done to bring this wonderful translation into being.”



Rev. John Reinke and Rev. Cory Eckstrom
Lutheran Deaf Ministries
Omaha, NE

“The Deaf normally have a hard time reading other translations, but they find GOD’S WORD like a refreshing river—flowing into their hearts with understanding and application. Many lives are changing....”