A Comparison of Psalm 147:2-5

The LORD is the builder of Jerusalem.
He is the one who gathers the outcasts of Israel together.
He is the healer of the brokenhearted.
He is the one who bandages their wounds.
He determines the number of stars.
He gives each one a name.
Our Lord is great, and his power is great.
There is no limit to his understanding.
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Meaning-for-Meaning (Closest Natural Equivalence)
The LORD builds up Jerusalem;
He gathers together the outcasts of Israel.
He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds.
He counts the number of the stars;
He calls them all by name.
Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Word-for-Word (Formal Equivalence)
The LORD rebuilds Jerusalem,
and gathers the dispersed of Israel,
Healing the brokenhearted,
and binding up their wounds.
He numbers the stars,
and gives to all of them their names.
Great is our Lord, vast in power,
with wisdom beyond measure.
New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)
Thought-for-Thought (Functional Equivalence)
The LORD is restoring Jerusalem;
he is bringing back the exiles.
He heals the broken-hearted
and bandages their wounds.
He has decided the number of the stars
and calls each one by name.
Great and mighty is our Lord;
his wisdom cannot be measured.
Good News Translation (GNT)
Paraphrase (Retelling)
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